RTR Building Usage Procedures
Board Approved: 11/16/2022
Rules and Regulations of Use:
1. The school district reserves the right to cancel any reservation that will conflict with school activities
even though such activities may be scheduled after validation of a rental agreement. The school
district reserves the right to reject or cancel any application made for facility usage.
even though such activities may be scheduled after validation of a rental agreement. The school
district reserves the right to reject or cancel any application made for facility usage.
2. All activities must have competent adult supervision.
A. The sponsoring head of the group or organization using the facilities must be on duty to
supervise the entire event.
B. Custodians must be present to supervise facility, but not the rental group or its activities.
supervise the entire event.
B. Custodians must be present to supervise facility, but not the rental group or its activities.
C. The use of a District kitchen facility must be arranged through the District Office. Any use of a
District #2902 facility must include a food service employee on site for the duration of use.
The employee will supervise the operation of equipment and the use of the facility, but the
renting group must provide workers to do prep work, set-up,
serving/selling, and clean-up, including washing pots and pans. The facility must be left
clean and orderly. No children under the age of 14 are allowed to be in the kitchens due to
safety and Health Department regulations. Any outside caterer using Food Service kitchen
facilities must be licensed with the county and state as a licensed food handler.
D. Applicant must supply any special supervision required by the school district. (i.e. police
protection, parking supervision, and chaperones, as needed)
District #2902 facility must include a food service employee on site for the duration of use.
The employee will supervise the operation of equipment and the use of the facility, but the
renting group must provide workers to do prep work, set-up,
serving/selling, and clean-up, including washing pots and pans. The facility must be left
clean and orderly. No children under the age of 14 are allowed to be in the kitchens due to
safety and Health Department regulations. Any outside caterer using Food Service kitchen
facilities must be licensed with the county and state as a licensed food handler.
D. Applicant must supply any special supervision required by the school district. (i.e. police
protection, parking supervision, and chaperones, as needed)
3. Any equipment or supplies brought into a building must have prior approval and must be
removed promptly following the activity.
removed promptly following the activity.
4. All groups using school facilities shall clean up after themselves and return the facility to its original order.
Your group shall be required to pay for all damages to school property caused by any person(s) attending
the event and assume all liability for damages against any person(s). Destroyed or damaged property or
equipment will be replaced or repaired out of the $50 deposit. Any damage over and above the amount
of the deposit is the responsibility of the renter.
5. All local/state ordinance/laws pertaining to the use of public buildings/facilities must be observed.
A. Smoking is prohibited in all school buildings and on all school grounds.
B. Lotteries or other activities classified as gambling cannot be conducted on school
C. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and illegal substances are not allowed in or on school
building or grounds.
D. School facilities cannot be used by any individual, group or organization for any activity
that is intended to overthrow the government by force, violence or other unlawful
B. Lotteries or other activities classified as gambling cannot be conducted on school
C. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and illegal substances are not allowed in or on school
building or grounds.
D. School facilities cannot be used by any individual, group or organization for any activity
that is intended to overthrow the government by force, violence or other unlawful
6. Organizations desiring the use of school facilities for a long-term basis must have the approval of the
School Board.
School Board.
7. When the gymnasium is used for any activity other than a normal tennis shoe activity, an
appropriate floor covering must be put down. The renting organization is responsible to provide
and put down an appropriate floor covering for the activity.
Rental Fee Classifications:
Organizations desiring building/facility use are classified into four categories as listed
below. Scheduling priority is given to groups in the order that this list is published.
below. Scheduling priority is given to groups in the order that this list is published.
Group I – District:
All events must have approved and trained supervision.
A. School sponsored sports.
B. School related student, teacher, and parent organization. (RTR PTSA)
B. School related student, teacher, and parent organization. (RTR PTSA)
C. School sponsored booster club organizations.
Group II – Community:
All events must have approved and trained supervision. To qualify for Group II status,
75% of the rental group must consist of District #2902 residents.
75% of the rental group must consist of District #2902 residents.
A. Community Education sponsored activities and events.
B. Special meetings sponsored by local civic and tax supported agencies which are of
general interest, educational, open to the public and at which no admission fees
are charged.
Group III – Non-Profit:
All events must have approved and trained supervision. Deposit may be required with
Building Usage Application. Staff and custodial charges may be incurred in addition to
the rental fees.
Building Usage Application. Staff and custodial charges may be incurred in addition to
the rental fees.
A. Organized community service, citizen and civic groups (Lions, Kiwanis, etc.).
B. Special interest groups (church groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc.).
C. Political party meetings and conventions.
Group IV – Profit:
All events must have approved and trained supervision. Deposit required with Building
Usage Application. Staff and custodial charges may be incurred in addition to the rental
Usage Application. Staff and custodial charges may be incurred in addition to the rental
A. Commercial and Business organizations
B. Special interest or performance groups where admission is charged.
C. All groups coming from outside school district boundaries.
Rental Fees:
Groups I, II and III will not have any rental fees if they meet the basic qualifications of
using our facilities. ( Note: All uses of the school facilities require the supervision of a
custodian or other approved Districtstaff who will be reimbursed for their services.)
using our facilities. ( Note: All uses of the school facilities require the supervision of a
custodian or other approved Districtstaff who will be reimbursed for their services.)
Event Fees By Location Group IV
$100.00 - 500 Seat Auditorium (PAC Center), Commons, Kitchen (Must have a food service person in attendance),
Competition KNIGHT'S Gym, Auxiliary Gym, Track & Turf Athletic Field, Practice Football Fields
$50.00 Classrooms, Media Center, Conference Rooms, Break Rooms, School Board Room, Concession Stand
Event Service Charges:
Custodial Personnel on Duty for Event - $30.00 per/hour
Food Service Personnel on Duty for Event - $30.00 per/hour
AV/Tech Personnel on Duty for Event - $30.00 per/hour
AV/Sound Tech Equipment Used for Event - $50.00 per/event
Application for Use:
1. Facility usage requests must be submitted via RTR Building Usage Form. or by calling the RTR Athletic Department. The facility
usage request must be completed timely in order to be considered.
usage request must be completed timely in order to be considered.
2. Facility usage requests for Group IV must be filed at least seven (7) days prior to
the intended use date. A $50 deposit must accompany these applications.
3. Rental fees and Group classification will be set at the time of the request. Legally
designated, non-profit organizations sponsoring paid admission activities, must
submit a statement with the application indicating where the proceeds of the
activity will be donated. If no letter is submitted, the group then will be considered
a for-profit organization and Group IV fees will apply.
Conditions for Use:
1. The applicant is required to obtain and produce a certificate of liability and property
damage insurance naming the School District as a co-insured with limits of liability
the same as maintained by the School District before using the facility. (This
requirement may be waived by the RTR District).
damage insurance naming the School District as a co-insured with limits of liability
the same as maintained by the School District before using the facility. (This
requirement may be waived by the RTR District).
2. Group II applicants may request to have a letter from the Community Ed Director
stating they are covered under the RTR Community Ed insurance policies.
stating they are covered under the RTR Community Ed insurance policies.
3. Knowledgeable Districtstaff must be on hand to operate equipment that is
technically difficult, and this staff must be compensated for their services in
accordance with School District policy or applicable contract provisions. Food
service personnel must be on hand to supervise any kitchen use and
compensated for their services in accordance with School District policy or
applicable contract provisions.
4. A custodian must be present to supervise all facility operation and compensated for
their time, but only for those hours over and above the normal business hours (i.e.
weekends, evening hours at the elementary schools).
5. Charges for facility cleanup, snow removal or parking lot accommodations, that
are not normally required or necessary by the school, will be assessed to group.
(Example: Snow removal on a non-school day).
6. Rental agreements are non-transferable to a different group, without RTR School
7. A group or organization may cancel an agreement without penalty providing notice
is given at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled event. (If
cancellation notification is received after that time period, the $50 deposit is
subject to forfeiture.
8. A bill for the rental fees incurred (minus the $50 deposit paid at the time of
application) will be sent to the renter within seven (7) days of the end of the
contract. Payment is due upon receipt unless prior arrangements have been
made. Checks should be made payable to “RTR ISD No. 2902”.
RTR Public School – ISD #2902
RTR (PreK – 12) Building Construction completed in September 2021
Gym capacity: 1385
Building Handicapped Accessible
PAC Auditorium seating capacity: 500
Gym capacity: 1385
Building Handicapped Accessible
PAC Auditorium seating capacity: 500
Policy approved and updated by the RTR School Board
Dated: November 16, 2022
For more information or to rent facility, contact:
Darren Baartman, RTR Activities Director
Ph. 507-247-5913, Ext. #2099
Darren Baartman, RTR Activities Director
Ph. 507-247-5913, Ext. #2099
Chelsey Gravley, RTR Activities Secretary
Ph. 507-247-5913, Ext. #2100
Ph. 507-247-5913, Ext. #2100
RTR Public School – ISD 2902
111 County Road 8
Tyler, MN 56178
111 County Road 8
Tyler, MN 56178