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E-Learning Program

If school is cancelled, students and staff will receive communication through JMC Call
Center that it is an E-Learning Day. Teachers will post work by 10:00 AM for the
students they would have seen that day. Teachers will utilize the platform they use most
often in their classes, such as Google Classroom, Schoology, Seesaw, Dojo… It is
recommended that students also check their school email. Students should contact
teachers by email if they cannot find their work for the day.

In preparation for E-Learning Days, teachers have been asked to:

● Anticipate time requirements recognizing students learn at different paces,
especially in an independent context.

● Provide a timely plan, posting work for the day by 10:00 AM.

● Be present on Google Classroom and email during the E-Learning Day

● Plan for self-directed, independent learning with specific consideration to age and
individual learning needs.

● Customize learning opportunities especially in troubleshooting student

● Communicate and collaborate with colleagues to ensure common grade-level
expectations, communications, and protocols.

E-Learning Parent Letter

RTR E-Learning Frequently Asked Questions